Marble Mazes are the perfect activity to keep people of any age busy and entertained! Just create a new maze and the activity is brand new all over again! Add a few sinister elements and you've got yourself a classic Halloween Corn maze! But seriously, who needs to go to a maze in person this fall season when you can create one of your very own?

This S.T.E.A.M activity highlights creativity and engineering principles as the builder is challenged with designing the perfect escape plan riddled with traps at every turn! We've even included a video of tips & tricks to help you get started! Just click here!!!


  • Bulk LEGO® pieces
  • Baseplate
  • Marble or Bionicle ball

Set Up:

Simply grab your little pumpkin's and LEGO® supplies and get started!

Let's Play:

Find a cozy spot, enjoy your favorites snacks & Halloween Candy, and get building! If you're struggling at all watch our Youtube video for helpful tips & tricks or print out a maze template from online to get you started! This activity is easy to adapt based on age level or preference and is self-guided. Just make sure that your maze includes both tricks and treats and that there is a way for your marble to make it out safely! Consider adding a little Halloween magic by using spooky minifigs or spiders to block certain pathways you won't want to go down! Either way, have a gourd time building and once your done swap with a family member to see who can complete the other person's maze the fastest!

We can't wait to see everything that you do with this activity! Share your experiences on social media, tag us, and use the hashtag #LEGOsteamwithBAM so we can all the fun that you had!