40289 Diagon Alley (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$49.99
4722 Gryffindor
Sale price$29.99

4756 Shrieking Shack (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$179.99

75947 Hagrid's Hut: Buckbeak's Rescue (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$44.99

75951 Grindelwald's Escape (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$29.99

75953 Hogwarts Whomping Willow (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$49.99

75954 Hogwarts Great Hall (Castle Only) (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$39.99

75969 Hogwarts Astronomy Tower (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$59.99

76391 Hogwarts Icons - Collectors Edition (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$249.99

76402 Hogwarts - Dumbledore's Office (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$59.99

76403 The Ministry of Magic (No Minifigs) (Pre-Owned)
Sale price$29.99

76415 The Battle of Hogwarts(Castle only)
Sale price$29.99

76428 Hagrid's Hut: An Unexpected Visit (Pre-Owned Excellent)
Sale price$39.99